Saturday, May 31, 2008


In short:
Yesterday was great, I love the holidays- never want them to end, staying up late is cool, sleep after that isn't, Gokusen really is fascinating- credits go to Den for recommendation, "Johnny, stop it, you're so hard", looking like a goose/raccoon/seahorse/anteater/horse in bed, HSM2, crying, laughs, screams, sleepovers, birthday presents, contemplative smses-

just when it feels like the holidays is just begining to unfold, it has to end oh so quickly.

get well soon Divya. :D i love you <3.
you don't have to keep screaming when the doctor wants your blood, you know. hahhaha.don't stay in the hospital too long! I am not going to visit you- yet.

Den, have a good trip-
thanks for yesterday & today. Fair warning: I shall never sleepover at your house again if we're going to play SCRABBLE the whole night (even though we didn't but still.) (:

I feel obliged to say something about Weisze-
Hope the smiley face is enough. hahahhaa.
priceless, absolutely priceless.

I'm definitely feeling the happiest I've felt in a long, long time.
It's a feeling that stays in your heart, and doesn't wear off after a couple of hours.

because life's funny like that.
it's so temperamental-
and i love it the way it is.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

only if you say so.

I am not poking the mannequin, really.IT'S THE LIGHT that makes it seem like that.

To find more slutty pictures,
please do not go to

Yogga's party was the best ever, I really, really, really liked the dancing/screaming/singing/laughing/chicken-dancing parts. and the part where I got 2 strikes and got 70 points for bowling, highest among everybody else. (:

Yesterday spent $50 and more on Sushi Tei, another $35 on some dress.
When me and Den were walking back my mum was there.
Me: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mum.

I totally overdid the "hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" part, and plus it was quite late already.
I hoped she bought the whole I-have-history-project-at-Yogga's-house-but-I-actually-went-to-Vivo-the-whole-day thing.

I really love the holidays.
Today was allocated for studying, too bad that didnt work out either.

Monday, May 26, 2008

And I almost forgot-

today was fun!
yes, really.
Long MRT rides, West-siders/East-siders, Jurong, interviews, Bugis, Shades and sunglasses, laughter, libraries, " the expression wall", "there is a secret chamber behind this wall", "gay bastard", more laughs,

" What's your favourite meat?"
"hahahhahaa.ME TOOOOOO!"

"Auntie, one Tang Yuan."

CmPS bonding is totally in full swing here.

we've just got to let it go,
we can't change what's happened.
we both know it.
dont we?

pixie dust.

I've realised that I'm posting more than I should.

living the high life- not quite so.

When you know in that instant when everything's going to fall apart-
; it sucks so bad.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

tell me why.

because there's no reason why any longer.

why i love the weekend.

Saturday was-

Went to watch Indiana Jones, it was some free Citybank offer, Went Vivo, shopped, ate some exotic Jap food, came home at about 11pm.
Was muching on Potong ice cream in the car with Hui Ling and Sheng Yao.
My ice cream broke into two and I threw it out of the window-
no kidding.
It was too cold, so I just wound down the window, aimed, (badly)-
The whole window was dripping with red bean ice cream.
Had to do window cleaning, while the car was driving, plus with kapoh Singaporean drivers gawking at you.
Hui Ling and Sheng Yao slept over, played Risk till 1am, slept in the attic.
Sheng Yao was playing the bloody Rubiks's Cube non-stop,-
Me: Is it a trend to play Rubik's Cube in RI?
Him: Uh, yes?
Me: Ah.
He told me he has to study philosophy and some other too cheem things for my yet-to-mature brain.
Sad life indeed.
Sunday was spent looking at showflats.
Went to this 3.3 million semi-detached house, and I was practically screaming at my mum to buy it.
It has 4 storeys, and a marble sunken bath tub.
And the master bedroom has 9 cabinets.
Fat chance I'll get to live in it.
Oh well.
Life sucks, can't really be helped.

Friday, May 23, 2008

You're nothing but a lie.

I don't know why i bothered trusting you,
why i always somehow convince myself that you're saying the truth.
I'm sorry.
I cant do that no longer.
Pretences don't always work, you know.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

counting the days left.

turn around and walk away. says:

sorry for all the bombardment of questions-

turn around and walk away. says:

turn around and walk away. says:
i'm a little off the edge now.

turn around and walk away. says:

turn around and walk away. says:
i feel like im talking to a wall.

turn around and walk away. says:
hellooooooooo wall.

the concrete girl says:

the concrete girl says:
i'm doing the oscar test thingy now

the concrete girl says:
and if i'm a wall i'm your wonderwall

the concrete girl says:

Today sucked pretty bad-
I'm sleep deprived with a headache that wont go away,
Panodol, the life saver.
I'm going to have to travel to the oter bloody side of Singapore, come back at 10pm, watch American Idol, sleep, Wake up toomorrow, scream the whole house down because it's the fucking last day of school, float around during lessons, go for RC, go to the bubbleteashop, go home.
oh, im so happy-
i could scream.

less than 24 hours left to go.

to us both,
we fucked it up-
pretty badly too.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

i'm sorry, but i just had to laugh.

Weisze looks funny here, that's all.
Gosh, how much prettier two of us Weisze has become.

another one of the same.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

made-up words.

Sis: OH SHIT,SHIT,SHIT! (she apparently forgot to do some important things.)
Dad: Please stop using that word, the toilet bowl's is going to be full if you continue your 'shit' rampage.
Me: hhahahahah.

it just doesn't feel the same.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday's strawberrycake.

I am feeling a bit-
pissed shit.

Exscuse me.
I have realised that true bitches do exist, in the many forms and shapes that come in.Some, I have been okay with, but has recently shown me their other hidden other face that was oblivious to me before,the remaining are those whom I never liked- never will, some whom I hated, but evolving into something okay.

I have also realised I am indeed living with bastards and bitches in my house.
Oh, joy.

For the rest of it,
Today was on the whole-
quite wonderful.

Red Cross is starting to be very enjoyable,
no sacarsm inserted here, really.
Except I don't get those puffy trackpants that make us look like elephants.

*screams hysterically*
I have been waiting a week to watch Breakfast at Tiffany's already.
At last, I CAN.

Sorry, I'm a physco maniac who loves watching old classic movies.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

fuck it all. (:

My sister is such a piss head.

She is screaming her head off watching Ellen Dengeneres, which,by the way, isn't at all that funny.

Yesterday was back with Jia and Tash.
Mac Flurrys, Folding straws into hearts, Orchard, Haig Girls'.
I swear, we laughed and laughed.
I want to be Primary 6 all over again.
Reached home close to 8, ponned tuition(!) and slept with wet hair.
Can't really be bothered to think now,
and listen in class.

I swear what minute amount of brain matter inside of me has vanished.

See, I'm already talking and yakking on so much insignificant shit.


too bad it didn't work out the way we wanted it to be,
too bad we got so caught up with ourseleves that theres nothing more to this.
too bad.

Friday, May 9, 2008

cookie cutters.

Yiyun tried on a bikini, Kimbo was trying not to gag.
Yiyun molested the mannequins.
I'm serious.

Friday night was spent screaming and being active, seriously.
Den came to my house at about 8.30, I was watching Nigella Express, the cooking show.
So after that we went to bake.
She, wonderfully ATE all the chocolate that was supposed to be used for the big cookie for Kimbo and my mum.
Went to 7-11, bought peanut butter and M&Ms and such.
After mixing all the stuff together and moulding it around, we were bored.
then we got really scared.
it was dark, and we were almost the two left at home.
we went to the attic, sat at the roof, then i screamed.
we all get fucking freaked out for no reason.

we started singing HSM songs to ease our fear.
it worked.
Not really, we ran all the way down from the 3rd floor to the 1st.

She went home close to 11pm, I still had to do the icing and coating, while she was watching Survivor Micronesia.

" If anyone asks us why it looks so horrible, just say it's SUPPOSED to look like this."


Stupid Kimbo, you owe me and Den one.

" And I didn't tell you,
until the crack had opened so wide,
that if we'd move in our sleep,
to reach for each other,
we'd have fallen through."

- how true, for someone like you.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

birthday girls.

happy birthday sathrin-
this is to London and New York, to those IKEA times, ice cream and Pepsi refills.Those early bus rides after school, contemplative conversations and short letters.All the times we've known each other, quite long really.You're great, and I think you know that quite well. (:

and kimbo-
Those long ago SK2 times, MARRIED and divorced times, 'denseness' and laughter, recent science file saga, and those tapping-me-on-the-shoulder-and-then-using-your-stupid-finger-to-hit-me and all the other times I forgot. (: I love you like shit. (literally.) kidding. ((:

lotsa love. <3

school skipping.

i love being 'sick' with Divya.


Divya: We rock.I told the doctor I got headache cos I sprained my neck during pushups.

I told the doctor I got headache because I am too stressed doing work.

The male doctor was quite an ass.
Doctor: When was your last period?Heavy flow or irregular?
Oh shut up, will you.
He told me I had tension headaches because I was too stressed.
How true.
Considering I missed History presentation, DNT and assembly horror,
I am quite satisfied I can act really well.


Me: Paige!Are you free on Friday?
Paige: Yes, why?
Me: Come to my house and bake cake for me (or with me), Mother's day lah.
Paige: I don't do the baking, my mother does.
Me: Shuddup.

It's 1.04pm, feels good to be at home.

Monday, May 5, 2008


sorry for the utter random/stupid title.
Bugis-ed with Den, laughed like shit, throughout, thoroughly, my sides hurt like shit.

made ultra bimbotic videos, took neo prints, ran around like mad cows( literally, no, we didnt moo.) and discussed about other Famizuo half makes me laugh. (:

as we kept saying today ( kinda, anyway) ,WE BROUGHT SEXY BACK.

as we were saying, fat bitch, MOVE YOUR FLABBY ARMS AROUND FOR US TO ADMIRE NOW, WE BEG OF YOU.and if you didnt know, YES IT'S YOU.NO, NOT YOU, (points to the correct person,)YOU.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

kiss; twice.

or so it goes.
ridding on that rainbow.
butterflies and lollipops.
i so badly wanted to be that girl.
where dreams were filled with flowers,
and sunshines stuck in my hair.
it never was like that, anyway.

like i wished.

Spent yesterday with my night having super lots of fun.
Painting on sun catchers, spilling paint all over, swinging and making up really childish rhymes.
I went over to my little cousin's house, it was around 9.15pm.
We were lying on the bed, i was begging them to fall asleep when-
oh shit.
i ended up telling her a story of a princess, getting married to a prince that had to kill a dragon.It actually worked.
"I want to be just like the princess!"
"me too." yeah, right.
it was quite heart warming to see their innocence, really.
i told myself i had to go make up a story before telling it to them so it would not be so full of shit.
they were singing and making SO much noise,the bed time story obviously had no effect on their non existent sleeping hormones.
At about 10.30, they were asleep, and i happily crept out of the bed.
My auntie told me that thy usually took 3 hours before they could fall asleep.

I told her that she should pay me to watch over them.


i'm going to wake up any time now, and tell myself that it's fantasy i'm living in,-
not reality.


Friday: Bubble Gum bubble tea,
120 push-ups non stop,
neck sprains,
staying till 7pm.

I went for yet another wedding today.
" Do you take ______ as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness or in health, richer or poorer, through sickness and in health?"
"I do."

walk away,
walk away from it all.
from me.-
i dare you.

happy birthday Karen. (: cheers to used-to-be ballet mates, makeup and performances.( yellow for a reason. :D )

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Had fun yesterday,
Pei Hua and Victoria and Wolfie are the best.
only kidding, of course.
I have realised that I do indeed, detest dogs, all of them.
Wolfie decided to molest me by going under my skirt and sniffing with his wet nose, many,many times.He pounced on me till my upper body was paralysed.

MacDonalds and Bugis, fries and Mc Flurrys.
PeiHua keeps making me laugh.
And she is afraid of slopes.

i am slogging away with the ever crappy SAIL, as everyone in my group decided to let me do ALL the typing.

i promise you,
i do too.