Saturday, May 31, 2008


In short:
Yesterday was great, I love the holidays- never want them to end, staying up late is cool, sleep after that isn't, Gokusen really is fascinating- credits go to Den for recommendation, "Johnny, stop it, you're so hard", looking like a goose/raccoon/seahorse/anteater/horse in bed, HSM2, crying, laughs, screams, sleepovers, birthday presents, contemplative smses-

just when it feels like the holidays is just begining to unfold, it has to end oh so quickly.

get well soon Divya. :D i love you <3.
you don't have to keep screaming when the doctor wants your blood, you know. hahhaha.don't stay in the hospital too long! I am not going to visit you- yet.

Den, have a good trip-
thanks for yesterday & today. Fair warning: I shall never sleepover at your house again if we're going to play SCRABBLE the whole night (even though we didn't but still.) (:

I feel obliged to say something about Weisze-
Hope the smiley face is enough. hahahhaa.
priceless, absolutely priceless.

I'm definitely feeling the happiest I've felt in a long, long time.
It's a feeling that stays in your heart, and doesn't wear off after a couple of hours.

because life's funny like that.
it's so temperamental-
and i love it the way it is.


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