Friday, March 28, 2008

a series of unfortunate events, (but really, not so.)

Today I had tuition, as the usual.

At about half an hour later, after my teacher finished commenting on how poor my chinese was and not knowing how to write really simple Primary 3 standard words, the maid came up to the room and asked her to go down. I stoned for about half and hour, and then this woman came up and told us tuition was cancelled because my teacher's mum needed to go to the hospital because she could'nt breathe.No, I did not consider doing whatsoever CPR because I know 100% that I'll just worsen the condition.


And then 5 seconds later, while I was walking out of her house, this old man was peeing right in front of me. He was obviously trying to be discreet, hoping that no passer-by would come but I came along.


and so it goes ;

Love hurts,
But sometimes it's a good hurt
And it feels like I'm alive.
Love sings,
When it transcends the bad things.
Have a heart and try me,
'cause without love I won't survive.
- no, im really not sure anymore. it is, but it isn't either.

sometime next galaxy- when i say it's okay.

To sum up Friday:
Hwee Gek,
Fire Drills,
Glitter, lots of it.
Ban Mian.
Vantage Point.
Popcorn and Coke-
Shivering in our seats,
Victoria School and
Bus 31.
Random Blond-Moment-Sharing-Session and-
Hair straighteners.
Mass Dance,
Sweaty palms,
Divya and our long phone calls.


i must have done something right.
[or not, kidding. (: ]

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

i know this is really belated but-

happy,happy 14th.

I remember during orientation i asked you for your name,the cup you gave me on my birthday that said "Key to My heart",the one and a half weeks we were at school, painting, scrubbing the floors, lunch at bubbletea shop, dirtied hands, smeared with paint shirts, being in class comm together, going to your house almost everyday to watch Kim San Soon, that korean drama we were all so crazy about, Mc Donalds, fries dipped in vanilla ice-cream, bangles we promised each other we'll decorate, those really scary fights we would have, and those really warm hugs also. When we sat together at the back of class, Tan Tock Seng scribbled everywhere, Mdm Seah drawings, pissing Mrs Foo off and laughing at any and everything. Art classes, WeiSze, Sathrin, Yiyun, Victoria, me, you. And when you would laugh too long, and we'll all stare at you and we'll laugh again.
i know it's way too late, but happy birthday.
I'm not sorry, why should I be?
You claim you're sorry,
You say you'll change,
You play like it's a game,
And all you do is use.
Use people, play and toy with people.
Two-faced Bitch.
I've been so nice,
And you're nothing but nice.
Do what you want to yourself,
Say as many sorrys as you want,
Nothing changes.
You treat people like dirt,
Well I'm sorry, I don't play games,
I don't like being used.
And it's so stupid come to think of you,
You are so,so stupid.
Looks like this is where you started,
I'm not naive,
I'm not dumb.
Fuck off and stay out of my life.
You are not even human,
You're a creature,
a disgusting bitch.
Nothing changes.
You're destined to live in hell.
I hope you'll enjoy your stay there.
Because I sure enjoy seeing you there.


white washed cafes and teacups-wednesday.

OMFG. (:
The impossible happened.I was walking home,beside the gigantic canal,( the really huge huge ones, not the small drains, THE HUMONGOUS ONES, LIKE 7 METRES DEEP.) near me house, I was sms-ing someone, I forgot who, when my hand decided to release my handphone. It dropped, crashed more like, on the floor, and rolled into the stupid canal with a really loud PLOP! sound. I was like " !@#$%^&*" and just completely stunned, my phone sinking into the depths of the algae-ish water. The couple infront of me, carrying a baby started staring and I ran home.
And then I took those really long poles for clothes hanging and attached a basin with a handle onto it and marched back to the canal. I was laughing my head off, my brother and maid tagged along to give me moral support. (: and then I scooped up my phone, this whole crowd gathered to watch. There were old aunties gossiping, young gangsters smoking, students. SHUDDUP. They were all whispering and all of that nonsense. So I successfully dished out my phone, totally enveloped and waterlogged with green coloured water. No,they did not clap, but it was still really cool.


My phone is obviously unable to work, but I put in the effort to take it back okay.I LOVE IT TO THE CORE. (:

Other than that, I've been a real bitch today, so I'm sorry to whoever whom I offended. (:
This is such a stupid post, I know, I know.

what if i told you we were all meant to be, wold you believe me, would you agree?
it's almost that feeling that we never felt, so tell me that you don't think i'm crazy.
- a moment like this, Kelly Clarkson.

stairways and wishing wells.

Take me back again, yesteryears and music notes.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I don't care what they say-

It's not too late, it's never too late.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Written in the stars.

Stay with me
Don't fall asleep too soon
The angels can wait for a moment
Come real close
Forget the world outside
Tonight we're alone
It's finally you and I
It wasn't meant to feel like this
Not without you

Cos when I look at my life
How the pieces fall into place
It just wouldn't rhyme without you
When I see how my path
Seem to end up before your face
The state of my heart
The place where we are
Was written in the stars

Don't be afraid
I'll be right by your side
Through the laughter and pain
Together we're bound to fly
I wasn't meant to love like this
Not without you

Cos when I look at my life
How the pieces fall into place
It just wouldn't rhyme without you
When I see how my path
Seem to end up before your face
The state of my heart
The place where we are
Was written in the stars

I made a few mistakes, yeah

Like sometimes we do
Been through lot of heartache
But I made it back to you

Cos when I look at my life
How the pieces fall into place
It just wouldn't rhyme without you
And when I see how my path
Seem to end up before your face
The state of my heart
The place where we are
Was written in the stars

When I look at my life
How the pieces fall into place
It just wouldn't rhyme without you
When I see how my path

Seem to end up before your face
The state of my heart
The place where we are
Was written in the stars

The state of my heart
The place where we are
Was written in the stars

Something me and Stef were singing along to during the bus ride to LASELLE.
We end up singing really weird songs like these nowadays.
Westlife was so many years ago,no?

"Gravity can not be held responsible for people falling in love."

For now, I'm in love with quotes.

"If God is the DJ, then Life is the dance floor; Love is the rhythm, and You are the music."

"To love someone is nothing. To be loved by someone is something. To love and be loved by someone is everything."

"When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're smiling and everyone around you is crying."

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."

"One day you will ask me which is more important, you or my life? And I will say my life, and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life."

"'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all."

"Life is the classroom; Love is the lesson!"

"If I were to rearrange the alphabet, I'd put, 'U' and 'I' together."

"I would trade ten thousand tomorrows for just one single yesterday."

"After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul, and you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't mean security, and you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises, and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes open, with the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child. You learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans. After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much. So, plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure... that you really are strong, and you really do have worth."

Enough for now.I'm bored and greatly deprived of any drama in my life.

runaway friday.

last decemeber trip to paris and london.
there's still millions more waiting to be uploaded.The picture that has the 'singapore, 10,745km' is in the top of the Eiffel where there's this big chart that shows from there how far away different countries is.So i was searching for Singapore, and I found it. (:

Is it better to have love and lost then to have not loved at all?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I have been sitting infront of this stupid computer screen,two nights in a row now, typing away furiously for more than 5 hours.
I was waiting for the bus to come today, when it started drizzling. I rummaged through my bag, when I realised I didnt bring my auntie polka dotted brown umbrella.ALAS! What's more, I had to lug my home econ's crap in one hand, together with those effing heavy Mac Beth play trophies, books in hand and ran in the rain.
It was torture.
But when I came into my lane, it was empty, quiet, just pitter patter.
So I threw down all of my stupid stuff, and screamed.
Yelped,more like.
I had the whole bloody road to myself.
I wanted to sit down and just soak in the ambience.
But I was drenched, my hair was sticking to my face, my wrists were giving way from all of that carrying, my shoulders ached so i ran home.
I love rain.

yellow stop signs.

To you, two years and a half.
Time stood still when we were used to be's.

Love is or it ain't. Thin love ain't love at all.
Toni Morrison

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's a boygirl thing.

12.31 am.
I am still alive and kicking-
alomst dead.
5 pages of Camp in 3 hours.
My brain, is completely cringing in pain and agony now.

And you're in my head.


Uh.I want my sleep back.It is 10.56pm, I am typing away for camp report,and I'm not even half way through it. I stayed up till one last night, I mean last morning, doing zuo ye.
Went to watch Leap Years with Yogga, Sathrin, Step Up Two.Sathrin was complaining about how she had to go and watch her beloved step up 2 all alone and I told her I supported local productions.
Leap Years was so Singaporen-ish, but terribly romantic. Yogga's constant distractions prevented me from crying.
I have a sensitive side you never knew of.HAHA.
Nacho cheese sauce was dribbling all over m pinafore and books, it didnt want to stay on the nachos. There were old and young couples all around, making us feeling really inferior.We had fun going to Esprit and trying on the craziest of clothes. HAHAHAA.
We went to the dressing room and the sales lady was staring at us.

She: TKGS?
Me & Sathrin: Uh-huh.
She: My sister studies there.
-akward silence-
She: What level are you all?
Me: Sec 2s.
She: My sister's sec one.

OKAY.I was considering to buy a $50 shorts but decided against it.Yogga's pants was $80,beat that. (:
After the show I realised I had tuition and rushed all the way back.Had to take a taxi because no bloody buses were coming.

Taxi Driver: Now students very stressed ah?Alot of BLAHBLAHBLHABLAH.
Me: -
Taxi Driver: (Tries to break the silence by turning on the radio and laughing at some lame chinese jokes they were making about a police man who was sleeping and thus got fired from his job.)
Me: -
Taxi Driver: (Gives up and offs the radio.)

I think taxi drivers have a fetish / forte for talking excessive crap.

I was proclaiming to everyone how short I was because I am:
Sleep Deprived. (Stef sleeps at 9pm,mind you.)
Milk/Calcium deprived.(Vaish drinks 3 glasses of milk per day.)

I shall be a bimbo and watch America's Next Top Model at 1 am.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Darling,you can stop gawking now.
I DON'T love NY,but since you like smiling your ass off about certain stuff,this is for you.
I will find one that had "I LOVE RY MORE THAN EVER" and then you will thank me on your wedding day.
Or you can always thank me now,I have totally NO objections to that whatsoever.

touch down turn around.

Stop giving me those sideway glances.

Happy Lá Fhéile Pádraig.

Happy Lá Fhéile Pádraig!(St Patricks Day)
Due to pure boredom,I have found out some interesting facts about today.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Missing out,empty.

fucking shit.


  • Having a rotten egg as a buddy.
  • Having less then 4 hours of sleep per day.
  • Having to have mass bathing sessions out in the open.
  • Seeing Teo SL at 11.30pm in the home ec room discussing with Miss Seah,probably about the nutritional value of various foods.
  • Having -

Wait.pause.Please go to now and refer to the post, dysfucntional hair. (:

I shall not rant on about camp already.I WANT TO SLEEP.Yiyun makes me feel like I do have a life again.I want to thank Paige and the cheerleaders for screaming out my name when I ran pass them during camp. (:

i slept at 3am yesterday.In a classroom with a rotten egg in my hand and shoes still on.Woke up at 5.I do miss camp,really I do.


Stupid Yiyun.

I have been deprived of BATHS,FOOD,TECHNOLOGY,FREEDOM.I am going to eat black pepper crabs later.MUAHAHAHA.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


It's been a long time since I did a quiz.
So I have one I shall do now,credits to my sister who got it off her bimbotic friend's blog who has a tattoo of a cherry.(:
Your ex is on the side of the road,on fire.What do you do?
I point the middle finger at him.Just kidding.Serves him right,if we didn't break up he would be on this side of the road with me.And he won't be on fire because I am a Red Crosser remember? (:
Your best friend tells you she is pregnant.What is your reaction?
If it's Yiyun,I'll congratulate her on successfully getting pregnant with a female and female. But if it's not her I'll raise my eyebrow as high as possible and ask who the heck the father is.
When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in the face?
I don't punch,punching is so un demure.I simply take a machine gun and shoot.HAHA.I wish.
Congratulations.You just had a son.What's his name?
Vernier Calipers. (HAHAHA.THAT WAS A RANDOM THOUGHT!)No,it'll probably be a mix name of French,German,Italian and Portuguese.Something like Gaetano Rulston. (:
Congratulations.You just had a daughter.What's her name?
Raeanne. (Combo of Rae and Anne.)
What are your cravings right now?
What was the last thing you almost cried about?
I was drained,weary and tired,I had just rushed from Fort Caning for Arts Fests (IT WAS ON THE DAY OF THE INCUBUS CONERT!I SAW THEM!!AND I DIDNT EVEN BUY THEIR TICKETS.), had 15 min to get home and change,eat dinner, whisk myself to tuition at Novena.I was sprinting,panting,lugging bags of shit and almost crying.
When you buy something and your change is a penny,do you keep it or tell the cashier to keep it?
I'll tell her to keep it,she needs it.
What is the last voice mail you received about?
How do you even get voice mails?
Scariest thing you've experienced last year?
Are you looking forward to next year?
Yes, and no.
Are you happy right now?
Yes and no. I am more stone mood right now.
Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
No but I figured I was,for about one minute and gave up on the idea.
Which do you prefer,dark or light jeans?
Definitely dark.
What was the last movie you watched at home?
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain. (It's an m18 french movie if you didn't know.Me and Den are watching it soon. (: )
Are you able to make friends with all types of races?
Obviously.In my p6 report card my teacher said I was "extremely racially harmonious" HAH.
What is on your pocket?
I never put things in my pocket,it weighs me down. (:
Where are you hurt?
I have carried way too many books in my bag which strap is adjusted to the lowest.
When is your birthday?
16 April.
What is something great that happened today?
My life,is deprived greatly of any wonderful drama.
What are you going to do after this?
Sleep and read.Or read and sleep.
Do you have the same name as any of your your relatives?
We have more creativity than calling each other the same names I believe.
Do you ever fantasize about dirty things?
Just ask YiYun.YES,DUH.Haha.You will never know the extent of my innocent mind. (:
Do you hate people?
Yes.Certain selective individuals that tend to piss me off no matter in what situation.
Do you ever sleep with the light on?
Yes.When I scare myself too much watching stupid scary movies or books.
How many hours did you sleep for last night?
6 half.
What do you wear to sleep?
XXL sized shirts that look like my wedding gowns.And shorts.
Do you swear at your parents?
In my head,yes.
Do they ever swear at you?
In their heads,yes.Or the most they go is "shit".Which is so not a swear word anymore.
Do you think someone is thinking about you?
My brother who is wondering when I can get off the computer so he can play that football game of his.
Are you thinking of someone now?
Yes.Mas Selamat. (Joking,joking.)
Sundays are boring.


It is definitely weddings and Saturdays, I'm sure of it.
Attended Samuel and Kul's Wedding at 11am.
And it was NOT because of 27 dresses that made my come to this decision.
okay,shutup,SHUT UP.
Samuel composed a song for Kul and sang it reeeeeeeeally nicely.
And all the exchanging of vows,rings,flowergirls throwing flower petals,red carpets,pretty gowns just got into me.
Like the marraige between me and Divya was stupid crap,
besides I am not on talking terms with her because I have given up on that stupid girl.

So now, I feel really FUCKING FUCKED UP ,FUCK IT.

Go back into last year, and the year before.
December holidays,valentine's and emails.
Guitars, late phone calls, text messages.
Laughs and busstops.

i am not looking forward to camp.i am not looking forward to three days of sheer torture,starvation,tears.
i shall not blurt out a string of very very rainbow-like colourful expletives.
i shall survive.
this whole self-esteem talk is not helping.
fuck it.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

this game of indifference.

shut up,yes you,please do.

summer and rain.

Is it true that you draw nicer hearts when your'e in love?

-quoted by den. (:

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sundays are loved.

I've been awake for a while now
You've got me feelin' like a child now
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tingles in a silly place
And it starts in my toes
And I crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes

I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Wherever you go
The rain is falling on my window pane
But we are hiding in a safer place
Under covers staying dry and warm

You give me feelings that I adore
And it starts in my toes
Makes me crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes
I always know

That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Wherever you go
What am I gonna say
When you make me feel this way
I just mmmmm

And they start in my toes
Makes me crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time

Wherever you go
I've been asleep for a while now
You tuck me in just like a child now
'Cause every time you hold me in your arms
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth
And it starts in my soul
And I lose all control
When you kiss my nose
The feeling shows'cause you make me smile baby
Just take your time now
Holdin' me tight
Wherever wherever wherever you go
Wherever wherever wherever you go wherever you go
I always know
'Cause you make me smile
Even just for a while

really. (: