Wednesday, March 26, 2008

white washed cafes and teacups-wednesday.

OMFG. (:
The impossible happened.I was walking home,beside the gigantic canal,( the really huge huge ones, not the small drains, THE HUMONGOUS ONES, LIKE 7 METRES DEEP.) near me house, I was sms-ing someone, I forgot who, when my hand decided to release my handphone. It dropped, crashed more like, on the floor, and rolled into the stupid canal with a really loud PLOP! sound. I was like " !@#$%^&*" and just completely stunned, my phone sinking into the depths of the algae-ish water. The couple infront of me, carrying a baby started staring and I ran home.
And then I took those really long poles for clothes hanging and attached a basin with a handle onto it and marched back to the canal. I was laughing my head off, my brother and maid tagged along to give me moral support. (: and then I scooped up my phone, this whole crowd gathered to watch. There were old aunties gossiping, young gangsters smoking, students. SHUDDUP. They were all whispering and all of that nonsense. So I successfully dished out my phone, totally enveloped and waterlogged with green coloured water. No,they did not clap, but it was still really cool.


My phone is obviously unable to work, but I put in the effort to take it back okay.I LOVE IT TO THE CORE. (:

Other than that, I've been a real bitch today, so I'm sorry to whoever whom I offended. (:
This is such a stupid post, I know, I know.

what if i told you we were all meant to be, wold you believe me, would you agree?
it's almost that feeling that we never felt, so tell me that you don't think i'm crazy.
- a moment like this, Kelly Clarkson.


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