Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Li Yam & the rest of tuesday.

YiYun and I are the stupidest people on the planet, I swear. (:
We make up stupid stuff, doodle on each other's zuo wen zi and waste ink, draw nike signs and talk about Li Yams and imaginary children.
And she has decided to follow me to tuition and see the supposed Jolene.
Then at science we were playing with Crocodile Chemistry and wasting virtual water.
I have resorted into drinking coffee because I simply cant stay awake with all the studying I have to do.
No matter how much I repeat what the definition of potential difference I cant damn get it.
"The potential difference across any two points is the amount of energy needed to move one unit charge of electricity from one point to the other."
"The potential difference...UMM..ummmmmmmmmmmmm."
-Glances back at the textbook.
"The potential difference across any two points is the amount of energy needed to...ummm...."

i officially give up.


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