Thursday, February 7, 2008


By right I should not be on the computer but i'm so glad my house have 3 stories so i can hide in the attic, and be unseen. Downstairs there about 65 guestes (aunties, uncles, cousins- the lot) and i have safely escaped.
I love CNY because the unexpected always happens.
Like on reunion night, the steamboat exploded. Twice. Didnt really explode until everyone had to be rushed off to the hospital, but my sister did get her hand burnt. And I have just fell in love with coffee chocolate liquor. I did not get drunk and my liver did not fail because I am underage, not to worry. I have been eating non-stop, unable to contain myself.
For two consecutive days I have woken up at 7am to cut vegetables, bake cakes, grating cheese and do stupid making-your-hands-smell-of-shit kind of thing.

and then we played Black Jack.
Every year all the uncles come together and play Black Jack. I went to play, and I lost about $8. After accepting defeat, brought my little cousins to the park. My 5 year old cousin was sitting on the swing when -

Cousin: NOOOOOOO. *gives him the evil glare*

and then they started fighting.So I brought her to another part of the playground, away from that boy. Then she told me she had a Boyfriend. No, I wasnt jealous that I didnt have one to show off to her.
I'm so glad I'm born in a generation where you dont get boyfriends in kindergarden.
Oh.And my favourite part of lou hei (yu sheng) or whatever it's called is the very crispy crackers.


- Oh and yes.I am coughing like there's no tomorrow.Every sentence I speak sounds like this :
I *coughcough* am *cough* sick *coughcoughcough* because of *cough* all the *coughcough* shit *cough* I am *coughcough* eating *coughcough*

yes weisze, I am not as healthy as I thought I was.


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