Friday, February 1, 2008

Saturdays are - really long.

Wei Sze has going on and on about Valentine's.
"IM GOING TO SMS TO 987 AND DEDICATE A SONG TO ______ ______ _____ ______ !!"
and yiyun would go :
"IM GOING TO SMS TO 987 AND DEDICATE A SONG TO ______ ______ _____!!"
but i bet she'll change ____ _____ _____ to ______ _____ ______ _____ .
People who are wondering who all the _______s are,im sorry.
I cant reveal indentities here, because if i do, i will get face distortion sooner or later.
Im home alone now,stoning.
Stayed up till two last night, watched reruns of Goong and Hell's Kitchen.
I love Gordan Ramsy because he uses excessive phrases like "Move your arses" and that sort.

I vow to be extremely passive during home economics so that people like _______ and ______ can go bond together.
Red Cross was disturbing.
Since i was apparently the lightest among the other sec 2s, they had to do evacuation on me. No, it isnt honourable but more of a little too intimate.
But it was fun shit, though I was the I/C and all the sec fours eyes were stuck on me.literally.
It didnt help that i was taller then them, anyway.

I have read an extremely amusing piece of something.

The Savvy Shopper : By Lydia Teh.

Here's how a savvy shopper can shop with an empty wallet.Techinically it should be a window shopper as no purchase is made but for the sake of a nice sounding moniker, let's stick to savvy shopper. And let's assume that the savvy shopper is a woman to avoid the he/she conundrum.

The savvy shopper leaves her house with just a touch of make-up, enough to make her look like an invalid.As soon as she gets to the mall,she heads for the cosmetics shop for a makeover.She dosent mind using tester kits but to be more hygienic,she brings her own applicators for the lipstick,eye-shadow and blusher. Before she leaves the shop, she sprays herself liberally with perfume or eau de toilette.

She's now ready to swing.Her next stop is the music store where she could brows throug VCDs while listening to Kelly Clarkson's "Beacuse Of You" playing over the PA system.Even if she couldnt afford to buy anything,she could feast her eyes on the posters of her favourite singers such as Wang Lee Hom, Click Five and I1 Divo.

Her next stop is her favourite haunt: the bookshop. Ten years ago, she wouldnt be caught dead hanging out at musty bookstores but they have since evolved into hip hangouts with cosy chairs and peaceful ambience. She picks up a chick-lit book,parks her posterior on the most comfortable spot and proceeds to read it from cover to cover. In an hour, she has guzzed a 250-page volume, thanks to her speed- reading skill which she picked up from Speed Reading for Cheapos Who Dont Buy books at this very bookshop.
It's lunch time now and the savvy shopper begins to feel her tummy rumbling. She takes the escalator down the supermarket. At the entrance she picks up a shopping basket which will be her ticket to a satisfying meal,free of charge.

First to the biscuits aisle for appetiser.She approaches the promoter holding a tray of bisuits.It's her lucky day.Theres an assortment of wafer cubes to choose from : starwberry, chocolate, hazel nut and vanilla. She takes one per flavor. Then she tells the promoter she cant make up her mind between chocolate and vanilla flovour and if she could have another piece each, she'll be able to decide. The lady smiles as she proffers the tray to her. The savvy shopper picks up a packet of wafer cubes from the shelf and deposits it in her basket. When she turns into another aisle, she puts the packet back on the shelf. her take-and-return (TAR) strategy enables her to get into the good graces of sales promoters without spending a cent.

Next on the menu if tuna sandwhich. The flavour of the day is curry.She eats it with a "this is so good" expression complete with wide eyes. The young promoter asks her to take another piece.She does so, simultaneously taking two cans of tune and placing them in her basket.

The main course happens to be instant noodles with tomyam seasoning.The savvy shopper has her own way of getting more food iinto the thimble-sized plastic cups used to serve the food. She just has to casually remark " So little, how to taste the food? " and the promoter will heap more food into the cup or let her have to servings.

Still feeling peckish, she heads for the cereal section. Breakfast creal samples are the most generous of the lot,dishing out food in large paper cups. She takes a cup and excecutes TAR operation.

Now to wash everything down with a nice drink.The usual choices are cultured milk,iced tea,coffee with creamer or a new fizzy drink. Two of her favourites are on offer today. She downs a of new Coala and takes the coffee for the road.She will slowly drink it on her way out as it is very hot. Incidentally, the savvy shopper never goes out the same way she comes in as she dosent want the promoters to see her empty basket. Her reputation is at stake here.

With her appetite satiated- She dosent eat alot as she has to watch her figure-she heads for the boutique.Of course she cant afford the clothes there.They run into three- digit figures and higher. She takes the maximum three garments into the changing room and tries them on. If she looks good in them,she takes a photo of herself with her camera phone so that she can post them on her blog when she gets home.

- i shall not finish typing the rest out because it's too labourous.


Chinese Tuition soon, I will have to look at some people's smart arse face again.

DEN, please dont start killing me if i spell anything wrongly, i am too lazy to check. So i beg for forgiveness if I have every wronged you in any way with my spelling errors.


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