Thursday, July 3, 2008

So I say;

every bloody thing is not fucking perfect-
everytime i pick myself up i just fall down again,
it's like this endless pit youre stuck in;
you wanna get up but somehow everything just drags you down again.
fuck yesterday,today and tomorrow.
just fuck it.

On to other things-
I owe too many people too many letters;
i dont feel like posting anymore.
I feel like crap.

I dont want tomorrow to come,
I really really dont.
It's the feeling in your stomach that tells you nothing lies ahead of you except fucking shit.

Just when you learned the game of life
All the rules change overnight
Whoa, whoa go figure
It seems so wrong to even try
But taking a chance never felt so right
Whoa, whoa go figure
You have a dream
You wanna be
The center of the story
Just when you think it's gone
You find a way to keep it going on
Sometimes you fall before you fly
Sometimes you laugh when you should cry
Go figure
When things got messed up
You wanted to give up
Nothing seemed right but turned out fine
Go figure, go figure
Whoa, whoa

It's not like Im trying to be emo,
Or dwindle in my misery.
I just like keeping things to myself and hiding it so well-
no one notices.
And somehow,
I just like it that way.


Blogger the concrete girl said...


'It's not like Im trying to be emo,
Or dwindle in my misery.
I just like keeping things to myself and hiding it so well-
no one notices.
And somehow,
I just like it that way.'

three words:

DITTO - TOTALLY LEGIT. this reminds me of note to God.


July 5, 2008 at 12:47 AM  
Blogger the concrete girl said...

oh wait i do realise i added on to those three words that make it more than three. sad. hahah.

July 5, 2008 at 12:48 AM  

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