Sunday, June 15, 2008


yes, exactly that.
I swear,
I am suffering from insomnia.

Yesterday was horror.
pure, 100% horror.
8 ten year old boys using their bare hands tearing off the pinata, howling around to take all the sweets and candy, 8 ten year old boys throwing water bombs at each other, then after being soaked decides that all 8 of them should take off their shirt.
So 8 half naked boys running around the house,
is not a pretty sight.
And the best part-
all 8 of them cramming in my bathroom.
One bathroom.

The rest of yesterday-
My brother had a Man-U cake, had fun peeling the cream,
laughed like shit.
Attempted to watch "U ARE THE ONE" with ah beng guys are stupid ah lian girls.
Shi Song was being an ass, asking me which guy I thought was hot.

"Ehhhh.That one,that one!"
"Ew.Looks Korean."
"That one?"
"Wah, that one from China, I want!"

And then my cousin from my mum's side started eyeing my male cousins from my father's side.
Doesn't help that for my father's side all my cousins are guys except for my sister and me.
"Eh, all your cousins very cute."
" uh,yeah.(pukes silently)"
"Who's who, tell me leh."
"That one's 17, in swimming, that one 19, NTU, that one 20, already out of NS, looks like shit-please dont pick him."


And then went to the park.
Tried to ride two of my cousins on one bike, one in the front, one at the back,me in the middle.
succeeded for like 5 metres, then I decided to ride a little faster-
We banged into a lampost.
I have 5 bruises now;


kimbo is an ass.


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